Marvel Future Fight Basic Stats

Marvel Future Fight Basic Stats Guide

The character details page in Marvel Future Fight has a lot of numbers in it. As a beginner, not all of the numbers are immediately self-explanatory, and these stats affect your gameplay is very important! So in this article, we will go through what these stats are!

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Physical ATK – Generally, if your character deals physical damage, this number should be as high as possible. Cards are the most common medium to boost this stat. All of the attack based leaderships boost this stat. With 20,000 physical attacks, you won’t do 20,000 damage to opponents – damage gets reduced by defense, dodge, etc.

Energy ATK – Same as physical attack, but is relevant for energy damage dealing characters.

ATK Speed – Maximum value is 130. Higher attack speed is needed for characters that have skills with long animations, and you need to fit all of the damage into a 5-second proc window. If a character has an “all speed” buff, it applies to attack speed as well. You’ll eventually end up with a lot of attack speed as you improve your cards, ISO-sets and uniform options.

Critical Rate – The percentage chance to deal extra damage per hit. Maximum value is 75%. This stat does not include “guaranteed critical rate”, that is applied separately and will be explained in a later guide. Many characters have a critical rate buff upon activating certain skills, which will be added to the value on this page when your character is in battle.

Critical Damage – The extra damage you deal when you deal a critical strike. Maximum value is 200% for most characters (some can go up to 250% or 300%, but it won’t show up on this page). Some characters have crit damage buffs on their passives, which will show up on this page.

Ignore Defense – One of the 2 most important stats for beginners. This number represents the percentage of boss defense you can ignore. Maximum value is 50% – which means your attacks will ignore 50% of boss defense straight away. Get this stat maxed as soon as possible using cards, gear, alliance bonus and URU.

Ignore Dodge – Percentage chance to ignore the opponent’s dodge rating. No known cap, although (theoretically), 100% should be enough to max out the effect. This stat is rare and is quite important when dealing with enemies that have a higher level than you, in PvP and against some of the world bosses.

Fire Damage/Resist – Percentage increase to the damage numbers on character’s skills/Percentage decrease that your character takes that deal fire damage. 

Cold Damage/Resist – Percentage increase to the damage numbers on character’s skills/Percentage decrease that your character takes that deal cold damage. 

Lightning Damage/Resist – Percentage increase to the damage numbers on character’s skills/Percentage decrease that your character takes that deal lightning damage. 

Poison Damage/Resist – Percentage increase to the damage numbers on character’s skills/Percentage decrease that your character takes that deal poiso damage.

Mind Damage/Resist – Percentage increase to the damage numbers on character’s skills/Percentage decrease that your character takes that deal mind damage.

Additional Pierce Damage – This stat comes from crafting premium cards. Not something beginners will have, but is currently the most powerful mechanic in the game. This is your aim. The number represents the percentage of your damage that gets dealt to the boss irrespective of it’s defense.

Concentration – This stat comes from crafting premium cards. As concentration increases, the charge-up meter on your reforged CTPs fill up faster. Nothing to sweat about unless you’re a prolific spender or a veteran.

Physical Defense – Reduction to your opponent’s physical attack stat.

Energy Defense – Reduction to your opponent’s energy attack stat.

HP – The amount of hit points your character has. If this reaches zero, the character dies.

Recovery Rate – This stat only applies to characters that have a way to heal themselves. The amount they heal is a percentage of this stat. If your character heals for 10,000 HP at 100% recovery rate, it will heal for 15,000 HP at 150% recovery rate.

Dodge – The percentage chance for your character to evade a hit. Stat does not include guaranteed dodge.

Movement Speed – The percentage increase on your characters’ base movement speed. Maximum value is 130%. Not something to immediately focus on – you’ll reach the maximum as you start crafting your cards. The “all speed” buff on characters applies to movement speed as well.

Reduce Debuff Duration – The percentage decrease to the duration of debuffs inflicted on you. If this stat is at 10%, and you get stunned for 2 seconds – the stun will affect you for 1.8 seconds instead. Better to avoid the debuffs entirely than rely on this stat. This stat is denoted as “crowd control time” on crafted cards.

Reduce Cooldown Duration – Second of the 2 most important stats for beginners. Maximum value is at 50%. The stat indicated the percentage reduction in the downtime of your skills after you use them. If a skill has a cooldown period of 10 seconds, and your “reduce cooldown duration” is at 50%, you can use the skill every 5 seconds instead of every 10 seconds.